Boat Lift Booking

  1. Fill in the booking form on this page.

  2. You will receive a confirmation email.

  3. Once time is confirmed, Bay Marine will be ready to give your boat a blast at the lifting bay.

If you have any other requirements simply fill out our job request form and our staff will get back to you promptly regarding works needed, sub contractors, quotes, materials etc. Follow the red line for directions to the lifting bay.

Lift and Hardstanding Rates

Personal Details


Booking & Vessel Details

DD slash MM slash YYYY
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    PROOF of THIRD PARTY or COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE COVER (to the value of not less than $10 million).
    I have read and agree to the terms and conditions(Required)
    I hereby apply for a temporary membership of Royal Perth Yacht Club for the use of the Boat Lifter and Maintenace Hardstand and undertake to observe and be governed by the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws along with the Club’s Contractor Induction and Policies and Procedures. I declare that the information herein supplied, on this nomination form, is true in every particular. READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HERE.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.